Një familje ka mbetur e habitur pasi në oborrin e shtëpisë së tyre, kanë gjetur një gropë të thellë .

The hole found by Kevin and Emma James. See Masons copy MNHOLE: A family have been left baffled after a deep hole opened up on their front lawn with rusty steps leading into the darkness. The more than two metre deep hole appeared when home owner Emma James was mowing the lawn but the cause is still a mystery. There are a few rusty steps steps leading down into the dark two by two feet hole which currently isn't big enough to squeeze down. Emma, 44, and her husband Kevin, 48, even contacted the company who built the house back in 1984 with no luck of finding out what the hole leads to.

Ka qenë Emma James ajo që e ka vënë re këtë gropë në oborr, e cila  është më shumë se dy metra e thellë, dhe brenda saj duket se ka formën e shkallëve që të çojnë në errësirë.

Megjithatë, pavarësisht faktit se ata e kanë gjetur, mbetet ende një mister i pazbuluar.

The hole found by Kevin and Emma James. See Masons copy MNHOLE: A family have been left baffled after a deep hole opened up on their front lawn with rusty steps leading into the darkness. The more than two metre deep hole appeared when home owner Emma James was mowing the lawn but the cause is still a mystery. There are a few rusty steps steps leading down into the dark two by two feet hole which currently isn't big enough to squeeze down. Emma, 44, and her husband Kevin, 48, even contacted the company who built the house back in 1984 with no luck of finding out what the hole leads to.

Emma dhe burri i saj Kevin kontaktuan me kompaninë e cila e kishte ndërtuar shtëpinë në vitin 1984, për të gjetur ndonjë informacion.

 “Kjo është me të vërtetë e çuditshme pasi ka shkallë që të çojnë poshtë, por ne nuk e dimë se çfarë duhet  të bëjmë.”

– ka thënë Emma.

The hole found by Kevin and Emma James. See Masons copy MNHOLE: A family have been left baffled after a deep hole opened up on their front lawn with rusty steps leading into the darkness. The more than two metre deep hole appeared when home owner Emma James was mowing the lawn but the cause is still a mystery. There are a few rusty steps steps leading down into the dark two by two feet hole which currently isn't big enough to squeeze down. Emma, 44, and her husband Kevin, 48, even contacted the company who built the house back in 1984 with no luck of finding out what the hole leads to.

Çifti kishte jetuar në shtëpi për tetë vjet pa probleme, megjithatë janë kureshtarë për të  zbuluar se për çfarë arsye është ndërtuar ajo gropë dhe çfarë fshihet pas saj./tvklan.al