Altina Xhoxhaj, judge of the Constitutional Court seems to be Vetting’s next “victim”.

The Independent Commission of Qualification held a court hearing on which they argued that Xhoxhaj did not justify her asset. She cannot justify a 101 square meter house in Tirana.

The Commission also mentions the denouncement of a citizen who was sentenced by her father, and his appeal was reviewed by her, at the Court of Appeal. The Commission has also verified a series of delays with the verdicts.  

The verdict for Altina Xhoxhaj will be taken on April 25 at 11 am. So far, ICQ has dismissed Constitutional Court judge Fatos Lulo, judge of the Durrës Court of Appeal, Besim Trezhnjeva and Shkodra Prosecutor Besa Nikëhasani. The reason of their dismissal is same for everyone: They do not justify their assets./