Ndërsa ne mund të jemi duke u ç’lodhur apo rehatuar në divan, 100 – vjeçarja Jan Dawson ka zgjedhur një mënyrë tjetër çlodhjeje, duke u bërë kështu kampione e Yogas për më shumë se 30 vite.

Picture: Lorne Campbell / Guzelian Jean Dawson of Cottlngley, near Bingley, West Yorkshire, who celebrated her 100th birthday at the weekend (20 February). She attends a weekly Yoga class in nearby, Shipley. WORDS BY GUZELIAN A 100-year-old great grandmother is still a picture of health thanks to over 30 years of dedication to yoga. Jean Dawson, from Cottingley, West Yorkshire, has been bended and twisting her body almost every single week for the past three decades. ìI must have good genes,î explained Mrs Dawson, who has five grandchildren and two great grand children. ìI really enjoy doing yoga. It has really changed my life and has helped cure aches and pains. I use to have trouble from a slipped disc in my back but doing yoga really helped me cope with it.

Gjyshja Jean Dawson festoi ditëlindjen e saj të 100 -të më 20 shkurt dhe është ende në gjendje mjaft të mirë shëndetësore. Kjo është dëshmi se kurrë nuk është vonë për të qenë në formë dhe për të gjetur lumturinë tek ushtrimet që ju doni.

Picture: Lorne Campbell / Guzelian Jean Dawson of Cottlngley, near Bingley, West Yorkshire, who celebrated her 100th birthday at the weekend (20 February). She attends a weekly Yoga class in nearby, Shipley. WORDS BY GUZELIAN A 100-year-old great grandmother is still a picture of health thanks to over 30 years of dedication to yoga. Jean Dawson, from Cottingley, West Yorkshire, has been bended and twisting her body almost every single week for the past three decades. ìI must have good genes,î explained Mrs Dawson, who has five grandchildren and two great grand children. ìI really enjoy doing yoga. It has really changed my life and has helped cure aches and pains. I use to have trouble from a slipped disc in my back but doing yoga really helped me cope with it.

Ajo ka kaluar dekada nën drejtimin e instruktores së Yogas, Christine Tyson, që tani është 66 – vjeçe.

Jean, nga Cottingley, në West Yorshire të Anglisë, thotë se yoga ja ka ndryshuar tërësisht jetën e saj për mirë.

“Ajo e ka ndryshuar me të vërtetë jetën time dhe më ka ndihmuar për të kuruar dhimbjet


Unë kisha probleme me kurrizin tim, por duke bërë yoga me të vërtetë më ndihmoi të përballem me to.

Unë nuk e di si do të mund të isha sot, nëse nuk do të kisha bërë yoga. Ajo më ka dhënë mua një sjellje të mirë, përqëndrim, fleksibilitet dhe qëndrueshmëri,”

– thotë Jean.

Picture: Lorne Campbell / Guzelian Jean Dawson of Cottlngley, near Bingley, West Yorkshire, who celebrated her 100th birthday at the weekend (20 February). She attends a weekly Yoga class in nearby, Shipley. WORDS BY GUZELIAN A 100-year-old great grandmother is still a picture of health thanks to over 30 years of dedication to yoga. Jean Dawson, from Cottingley, West Yorkshire, has been bended and twisting her body almost every single week for the past three decades. ìI must have good genes,î explained Mrs Dawson, who has five grandchildren and two great grand children. ìI really enjoy doing yoga. It has really changed my life and has helped cure aches and pains. I use to have trouble from a slipped disc in my back but doing yoga really helped me cope with it.

Jean praktikohet rregullisht çdo javë, ndërsa instruktorja e yogas e ka cilësuar atë si “model” për të provuar se të gjitha ato që ajo mund t’i bëjë, duhet t’i bëjnë të gjithë të tjerët./tvklan.al